Monday 30 September 2013

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rhys,
    You have made some interesting observations regarding Méliès' use of layers to create depth on his set. I have a few pointers to make your film review writing more academic sounding, so here we go!

    Firstly, you should avoid writing in the first person, so no 'I thought this'... it can seem a bit false to be writing in the 3rd person to start with, but it is the easiest way to make your writing sound more scholarly. Definitely no colloquial speech like 'I dunno' ! Have a look here for ways to phrase your work in the 3rd person;

    Also, no bullet-point lists; you could mention all the items within the text, separated by commas- so, 'we were presented with multiple different points of interest; Moon craters, passing comets, stars...' etc.

    Here is a reminder of what the brief is asking you to present -

    'In addition to and in support of your own critique, your reviews must include a minimum of 3 quotations from 3 different published sources + poster art + supporting stills. Please note - Harvard Method must be used for all quotations and all illustrations to be referenced correctly. Reviews are to include bibliography and illustration list.'

    You should try and find quotes that support your discussion, or provide you with material to analyse. Your quotes should be introduced and then 'unpicked' - see the above guide again for ways to successfully embed quotes. These quotes nee dto be referenced, both within the text and in a bibliography at the end - see here for details on referencing all different source material.

    I look forward to your next review! :)
